Belle's Sacrifice
But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. -Luke 21:28

Belle taking her fathers place as the Beast's prisoner in the 1991 version of Beauty and the Beast
Another christian theme present throughout Beauty and the Beast is the importance of sacrifice. When Belle finds her father locked in the dungeon of the Beast's enchanted castle, she offers to take his place as his prisoner.

Belle giving up her freedom to save her father in the 1991 version of this film
Belle: Take me instead.
Beast: You would...take his place?
Belle: If I did, would you let him go?
Beast: Yes...but you must promise to stay here forever.
Belle: You have my word.
Beast: Done!
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Belle would rather save her father then have her freedom. This selfless act, again, shows her morals; and further implicates the christian narrative in this story, as sacrifice is a central theme of the christian religion.

The Beast's Sacrifice
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. -John 15:13

The Beast saving Belle from a pack of wolves in the 2017 version of this movie

When Belle runs away from the castle in the middle of the night after being frightened by the Beast, the Beast chases after her and saves her from a pack of wolves. In this way, the Beast makes a physical sacrfice for Belle. At this point in the story the Beast is starting to realize what it means to be human."If you and I are also to be human, really human- human in the sense for which God created us-we, too, must learn these lessons of unselfishness." (Anderson 25)
The wolf fight in the 1991 version of this movie

The Beast makes a physical sacrifice for Belle, nearly dying because of the fight. Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Forgiving the Beast
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. -Ephesians 4:32

Belle has the perfect opportunity to run away from the Beast. However, she chooses to turn back and rescue him instead of retreating. 2017 (left) 1991 (right)
After the Beast rescues Belle from the wolves, he is left unconscious and severely injured. Belle makes the decision to save him instead of running away, even though she is presented with the perfect opportunity to regain her freedom. "Now that Belle is also in debt to the Beast, she in turn opens herself to him by caring for him and eventually teaching him to love." (Byrne 53)

Belle after returning to the castle with the Beast. 2017 (top) 1991 (bottom)
Forgivness is a central part of the christian religion. “There may be no word in the English Bible that quickens the beat of a sinner’s heart more than that of ‘forgiveness.’ Little wonder, then, that poet Alexander Pope wrote: ‘To err is human; to forgive, divine.’” (Jackson) The fact that Belle forgives the beast after the pain he has put her through further shows her christian values, including forgiveness, and showcases the christian themes which are present throughout this story.

Belle and the Beast's Reintroduction to Society
Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. -Colossians 3:13

Belle and Adam dancing at the ball near the end of the movie. Beauty and the Beast (2017)
When the Beast is transformed back into a prince, Belle and Adam throw a ball and they are reintroduced into a society which had previously outcasted them both. The villagers who attend this ball are now accepting of Belle and the Beast, despite disliking them in previous scenes throughout the movie.

Beauty and the Beast (1991)
"The greatest inheritance we can receive or bestow is the gift of friendship and forgiveness... We all need to be forgiven for the things we have done or failed to have done." (Anderson 106-107)
This reintroduction to society shows the christian moral of forgiveness as well: The villagers forgive the Beast for his past wrongdoings, and harmony is restored to their community.

Belle, Adam, and the villagers dancing at the final ball in Beauty and the Beast (2017)